Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Promoted for Rebellion

I just read the book of Daniel chapters 3-4. Imagine being called by your supervisor to bow to an idol or be thrown out of office- what would you say? However, if at that moment an angel had whispered into your ear that all you had to do was stand, and that if they tried to force you the idol would shatter into pieces proving that God is higher than all powers, I’m sure you’d have been more confident with your answer. But these 3 Hebrew boys did not have this privileged knowledge.

They just knew that they were NOT going to bow to the idol; come what may. They knew God could deliver them, but they did not know HOW or even if he WOULD. Are you this loyal to God, can He use you to show His might.

This is just an example of what will happen in the endtime; people will be challenged to obey the antichrist. Will you be able to stand up and rebel against the powers ruling then when you can’t stand up to a mere mortal who’s trying to compromise your faith?

Always keep your eye on the prize as Paul would say. The prize for rebellion against the devil’s wiles is promotion. The 3 Hebrew boys were promoted for trusting God by the very same person who had been so determined to kill them (Dan 3:30). Begin today to stand up for Christ no matter what!

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