Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What's the deal with all the punishing?

I dream of the day I can walk the streets without a single care in the world. Now that will be much later if at all, when I have lost all sense of feeling, when my teeth are loose and falling out and I’m like a child again, no longer blown around by winds of doctrines but resting assured in the promise of death.

Don’t worry; I know I’m morbid, but I’ll try to keep my thoughts to myself.

I’m reading the book of Isaiah, and boy did God work out some plan! Raise ‘em, shake ‘em when they misbehave, then raise them and then punish the ones you allowed to shake them in the first place. It was all one big circle and I felt He was being unfair, until I realized, he was just bringing them all together while making a solid point: as long as they did not worship Him they were open to attack. Israel or no Israel.

But as long as they worshiped Him, it didn't matter which country they came from, they were protected by Him. And the story remains the same.

Worship God no matter who you are and He’ll keep you safe from attack.

Have you read Isaiah?

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